ABRI Extension Services

ABRI Extension Services

ABRI Extension Services provides technical support and extension initiatives supporting the use and understanding of BREEDPLAN, a modern genetic evaluation system for beef cattle breeders, and related genetic technologies, including BreedObjectMateSelCompleteness of Performance and GeneProb.

The ABRI Extension Services team provides technical support and offers a range of extension initiatives, including BREEDPLAN workshops and herd consultations. The team are specialised in presenting on a range of beef breeding and genetics related topics, and are available for events facilitated by breed societies, industry organisations and individual producers.

The team is committed to providing ABRI’s client organisations and their members with structured, consistent education and technical support for BREEDPLAN and related genetic technologies.

For more information, get in touch with the ABRI Extension Services team.


Extension Technical Officer for Murray Grey

Boyd Gudex is a Technical Officer with ABRI Extension Services. He has been with ABRI since May 2017 and is based in Armidale NSW. Previously, Boyd was employed as a BREEDPLAN Technical Consultant and has experience with BREEDPLAN analysis, BreedObject and MateSel.

Boyd was born and raised on a sheep and beef farm in New Zealand. He has extensive livestock genetics experience having worked for a number of seedstock companies. This includes working on the family sheep stud, Landcorp Farming Ltd, Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) and Deer Improvement, all in New Zealand, and the Sitz Angus Ranch in the USA. At Landcorp, Boyd was responsible for the technical management of the five nucleus herds producing bulls for use across the company’s 100+ commercial farms. He had a similar technical management role at Deer Improvement.

Boyd received his PhD in Animal Breeding from the University of New England in 2011. He has also carried out research at the NSW Department of Primary Industries (BeefSpecs drafting calculator), LIC (Epigenetics and Mate Selection in dairy cattle) and Lincoln University (genetic tests for sheep).

Technical enquiries should be directed to email or phone call on 02 6773 3555